Home » CCS Board of Education to host in-person mascot forum Feb. 29

CCS Board of Education to host in-person mascot forum Feb. 29

On Thursday, Feb. 29, the CCS Board of Education is hosting an in-person mascot forum in the school’s auditorium. The forum will begin at 6 p.m. with students presenting their ideas. District residents will present immediately after the students. Due to time considerations, the forum will be limited to 30 students and 30 district residents speaking for a maximum of two minutes.

District residents who would like to speak at the forum should sign up that evening. Sign ups will be on a first come, first served basis and capped at 30 individuals. Speakers should be prepared to share their name, address, mascot suggestion, rationale and artwork, if available. If an individual attends the forum but is unable to speak, there will be an opportunity to provide written feedback to the Board that evening.

If a resident or student is unable to attend the forum, they can email district.clerk@cambridgecsd.org to submit their ideas or thoughts no later than Feb. 28. The email should include their name, address, mascot suggestion, rationale and artwork, if available. Individuals can also visit the District Office between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday from Feb. 15-28 to provide written feedback.

The purpose of the forum is to collect new mascot options from the community. The Board is committed to choosing the next mascot for CCS in a timely manner. The Board plans to adopt a new mascot at the March 14 Board meeting.

The Board has already heard from a number of students and community members with ideas for a new mascot and the characteristics that a new mascot should embody. Some of the ideas are: Eagles, Tigers, Wildcats, Monarchs, Owls and Valley Wolves. The mascot should display the following characteristics: strength, pride, power, loyalty and wisdom/knowledge. The school colors will remain orange and black.

The Board hopes you can attend the forum on Feb. 29 and looks forward to hearing your suggestions on a new mascot.

If you have any questions, please contact a Board member.
